UISD wants to locate unenrolled students

Published: Sep. 23, 2022 at 6:16 PM CDT

LAREDO, TX. (KGNS) - t’s been over a month since students and teachers went back to the classrooms and although things are starting to look normal, schools are still seeing an issue with attendance.

It’s been two years since the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

After going virtual back in 2020 and some minor hiccups in 2021; school districts expected absences to decrease.

UISD says that is not the case; they report their number of absences are a bit different.

UISD officials say absences are about the same as last year, but the district has already filed seven truancy cases and is pending 8 more.

After the first court session took place Thursday, they say many of these absences are due to covid infections but that’s not the only problem they are seeing.

The district says there’s several students who have not enrolled for this school year.

UISD attendance specialist Jesse Perusquia says the bottom line is that they need the students to be enrolled in school to start receiving the instruction.

“Here we are about 30 days into school, and we still have a few kids that are not enrolled. And there is no reason for them to be out of school”, said Perusquia.

Perusquia says their priority is to locate these students’ parents and get them to go to class as soon as possible.

If your child has a high number of absences, the district is asking parents to contact them and call them at 956-473-6281.

The district says they are there to help.

The attendance specialist says the district can help parents enroll their kids at a different campus if need be.

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