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A Canadian Influencer Says Adam Levine Tried To Slide Into Her DMs & She Has Receipts

She shared screenshots to prove it.

​Adam Levine performs in Brazil in 2017. Right: Instagram model Elisabeth Rioux.

Adam Levine performs in Brazil in 2017. Right: Instagram model Elisabeth Rioux.


A Quebec influencer says that Adam Levine contacted her on Instagram — the latest in a string of claims from Instagram models that the married singer sent them inappropriate DMs.

Instagram personality and swimwear designer Elisabeth Rioux claimed in a series of Instagram stories this week that the Maroon 5 singer tried to slide into her DMs — albeit unsuccessfully.

Rioux shared a screenshot of her Instagram DMs showing that she had received a message request from Levine, which she had yet to accept.

 Elisabeth Rioux's Instagram story. Elisabeth Rioux's Instagram story. @elisabethrioux | Instagram

"Ah non what I'd give to see it," she wrote in her story alongside the screenshot. "Referring to the news, I checked my DMs and it looks like I was too late before he deleted all."

Likely responding to those questioning the legitimacy of the photo, Rioux also shared a screen-record video of her Instagram DMs and recent searches.

"No it's not fake," she wrote.

Elisabeth Rioux's Instagram story showing her recent searches. Elisabeth Rioux's Instagram story showing her recent searches.@elisabethrioux | Instagram

While the content of the apparent DM is unknown, Levine has recently been a hot name in the media after several women claimed he sent them flirtatious messages, all while the singer has been married to Victoria's Secret model Behati Prinsloo.

One Instagram model, however, has claimed that her interaction with Levine went beyond messages.

OnlyFans creator Sumner Stroh alleged in a TikTok video that she and the Maroon 5 singer had had an "affair," saying that the two "were seeing each other for about a year."

Stroh also said that Levine wanted to name his child after her, showing a screenshot of a conversation in which Levine asks for permission to call his baby Sumner.

"Ok, serious question. I'm having another baby, and if it's a boy, I really wanna name it Sumner. Are you okay with that? DEAD serious," the message reads.

Levine has denied the affair but said that he had "crossed a line" with the messages in a statement to TMZ on Tuesday.

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