Lycoming County Prison _2020

Williamsport, Pa. — An inmate at Lycoming County Prison was taken to UPMC Williamsport on Wednesday after an apparent suicide attempt, according to county officials. 

The inmate, whose name has not been released, was pronounced dead on Sept. 23 at the emergency room shortly after his arrival.

Matthew McDermott, chief clerk at the Lycoming County Commissioners office, said the incident was immediately referred to the district attorney's office. The district attorney's office will begin an investigation, as it is standard protocol for any prison death.

This is the second reported inmate death this month. On Sept. 5, Joel Kendall, 49, of Williamsport, was found dead in his cell. The cause of death is pending toxicology results and further testing. 

Related Reading: Inmate found dead at Lycoming County Prison


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