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A marching band performs at a previous year's London New Year's Parade

Mansfield, Pa. — Following news of the Queen's death and a period of national mourning, the United Kingdom is looking forward with optimism that reaches all the way to Tioga County.

Mansfield University's The Spirit and the Pride of Pennsylvania Marching Band and the Mansfield Wind Ensemble have received an invitation to participate in London's New Year's Day Parade and Festival.

The invitation was extended by Bob Bone, Co-founder and Chair of the London New Year's Parade, and Steve Summers, Chair of the London Mayors' Association, Dean O'Blonsky, Senior American Consultant, and Bill Northern, Senior Director of International Participation. 

The Mansfield University marching band will have a festive week in the historic city performing in the parade and visiting cultural landmarks including museums, historic sites, and various places of architectural and artistic interest.

According to event organizers, the 2024 New Year's Parade will be one of the biggest and best since the tradition began in the 80s. The parade will be screened live across the world, including in the United States on PBS.

Festival concerts will utilize some of London's most historic concert venues. The parade sees more than 8,000 performers from all corners of the globe entertain a street audience of around 500,000—and a global TV and streaming audience of tens of millions.

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