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The US’ New 2022 Winter Forecast Tells Eastern States To Brace For Brutally Frigid Weather

This includes the southern U.S.

Charleston, South Carolina after a snowstorm.

Charleston, South Carolina after a snowstorm.

Texas Staff Writer

The full 2022-2023 winter weather report for the United States was released today, and the Farmer's Almanac is warning the eastern and southern parts of the country to prepare for temperatures so cold you'll feel it in your bones.

The expected wintry temperatures could also bring above-average snowfall to the eastern areas, spanning from the Midwest to the Carolinas and up through to New England.

However, much of the country's southern states won't experience that snow but rather brutally frigid temperatures.

"The eastern half of the U.S. should brace for the potentially record-breaking cold to define the season," the report says. "This frigid forecast extends to the Deep South and Texas, which could see the mercury diving as much as 8°F below normal!"

The southern region of the country, including Texas — Oklahoma, the Deep South, Florida, and the southeast coastal states are all going from brutally hot summer temperatures to quite literally the opposite come wintertime.

According to pages in the full 2022-2023 publication, things will start to cool off come September and October as the Carolinas and Georgia will experience cooler temperatures than normal. All the other regions won't see those temps let up until closer to November.

Each of the regions will experience several cold snaps throughout the winter months, with some of the coldest temperatures being felt starting in December, specifically for the southeast and the Deep South.

Unfortunately for much of the Southeast United States, the record-breaking chill will last well into February 2023 before finding relief in March.

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

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