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The US Winter Weather Forecast Calls For 'Record' Cold & 'Loads' Of Snow In The Northeast

It'll be "bone chilling." 🥶

People walking in the snow. Right: New York in the winter.

People walking in the snow. Right: New York in the winter.

Global Staff Writer

It feels like summer passed in the blink of an eye, and now we're staring down winter, which is shaping up to be pretty rough if you're living on the wrong side of the United States.

The Old Farmer's Almanac released its annual winter weather prediction for the coming year, beginning with winter 2022-23. It is projected to be particularly cold and snowy in the Northeast, especially if you live in New York City, Boston or Washington, D.C.

The western half of the country is expected to get a bit of a pass this season, while the east is in for an exceptionally cold winter.

"Depending on where you live, this will be the best of winters or memorable for all the wrong reasons," Janice Stillman, editor of The Old Farmer's Almanac, said in a news release. "One half of the country will deal with bone-chilling cold and loads of snow, while the other half may feel like winter never really arrives."

According to the Old Farmer's Almanac forecast, most of the East Coast and Midwest will be slammed with "shivery and snowy" winter, with higher-than-normal snowfall and below-average temperatures.

"Brace for a potentially record-breaking cold to define the season," the almanac says in its forecast.

If you don't already have a good winter jacket, this is your invitation to buy one before the colder months are upon us.

The coldest periods in the Northeast will be early and late January and late February, according to the newly-released almanac. However, the snowiest period will be from early-mid December into the first half of January.

Temperatures in November, January and February will be above average in the Northeast, and after November, the weather will likely transition into snow, according to the Old Farmer's Almanac predictions.

The Atlantic corridor — which includes most of the major coastal cities of the Northeast — will also face above-average snowfall. That's predicted to happen from January into late February. Temperatures will also be below average, with the coldest days coming in early December, January and most of February.

In other words, it'll be cold for a while.

Spring is expected to arrive in March with a mix of snow, rain and sun, so just hang on and it'll eventually get better.

The Old Farmer's Almanac predicts the weather using three scientific disciplines: solar science, climatology and meteorology. They look at these factors alongside historical weather conditions using "30-year statistical averages prepared by government meteorological agencies."

They claim their results are typically about 80% accurate.

So soak in the summer and fall weather while you can because winter is coming — and it's going to be brutal.

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