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This Texas Beekeeper Has 11.2M Followers On TikTok & She’s The Real Queen Bee

The 36-year-old entrepreneur is now a TikTok star. 🐝

Erika Thompson pouring bees into a new hive. Right: Thompson holding bees on her hand.

Erika Thompson pouring bees into a new hive. Right: Thompson holding bees on her hand.

Texas Staff Writer

By far the most popular beekeeper on TikTok is a Texas woman referred to as @texasbeeworks. She has over 11 million followers on the platform, and she makes daily videos of her performing honeybee removals for clients, as well as other captivating tasks.

The woman, Erika Thompson, owns her business Texas Beeworks in the area of Austin, Texas, and you can see in her videos that she lets the buzzy insects gently crawl on her while she's working, which is an eerie sight that you can't help but stare at.

Every single video Thompson posts on the app has millions of views. In those, you can see her donning regular clothes, as she approaches the hives that the bugs rendered in unlikely nooks, like inside toilets and on the exteriors of houses.


Sitting in a swarm of #bees! #insects #texas #beekeeper #savethebees

Thompson is a professional beekeeper who has been in practice for over 10 years. She posts videos to educate people on how bees and their colonies work, but also to raise awareness about not exterminating them.

In fact, Thompson's job is not to get rid of the hives, but rather to gather the nest and bees and then carefully relocate them to a safer place.

In her viral TikToks, she shows the whole process from finding the queen and removing the honeycomb, to rescuing the massive mobs of them by hand and letting them crawl all over her before moving into their brand new home.

The famous beekeeper also explains different things that they do to function, like females kicking the males out of the hive after mating season.


See you in the spring, boys! #bees #nature #wintersports #winterbreak

She also creates full-length YouTube videos that demonstrate the whole process a bit more in-depth.

Her Internet fame, of course, didn't go without feedback from other beekeepers, both positive and negative.


And it was another great day of saving the bees! #beekeeper #savingthebees

She even gets calls from celebrities for help, like singer Jason Derulo who helped her remove a colony living at his house once.

Thompson's business serves the central Texas area, and currently only takes bee removal requests from locals.

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