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A 'Game Of Thrones' Star Is Serving The Spiciest Pizza In A Florida City This Weekend

The pizza is in honor of the series' prequel, 'House of the Dragon'.

Kristian Nairn with a puppy. Right: The Dragon Flame pizza at Papa John's.

Kristian Nairn with a puppy. Right: The Dragon Flame pizza at Papa John's.

Florida Associate Editor

The spiciest pizza Papa John's has ever created is coming to one Florida city for a limited time and it's to honor Game of Thrones' new prequel, House of the Dragon. A cast member from the beloved series will be joining the franchise to serve customers.

Kristian Nairn, who played Hodor on the fantasy HBO show, announced yesterday that he's headed to King's Landing in the city of Apopka just north of Orlando to serve some pies.

The park is located at 5722 Baptist Camp Rd., and the star said he'll be there on Sunday, the day of the show's premiere, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. EST. So, you'll have plenty of time to go home, cozy up on a full stomach and turn on HBO.

The cuisine is their new "Dragon Flame" slice, and the ingredients include sriracha dry spice, smoked pulled chicken, Italian sausage, green peppers, Fresno chiles, cheese, red chili and garlic.

The fandom for the GOT spinoff is hyped for the new drama as the official Instagram account for the season published a photo of their table read back in April 2021.

"Fire will reign 🔥 The @HBO original series #HouseoftheDragon is officially in production," the caption read.

Though there have been many posts after that, loyal viewers commented their excitement on that same one. The final trailer was also released this week, adding to the anticipation for the debut.

The Dragon Flame pizza is only sold for one day in Apopka, though Papa John's alluded to more locations in the near future on Nairn's post.

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