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Man's Ashes Were Found 5 Years Ago In Storage & OPP Is Still Trying To Return Them To Family

The ashes were given to police in June 2017.

Ontario Provincial Police car.

Ontario Provincial Police car.

Toronto Associate Editor

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is still trying to get in contact with loved ones who may be missing one of their family member's ashes after some cremated remains were brought into their offices about five years ago.

In a news release issued on Thursday, August 18, officers with the Peterborough County detachment said they were given the cremated remains on June 25, 2017.

A small box was turned into their detachment, but before the ashes were given to OPP, the box of cremated remains was found inside of a storage container somewhere in the Douro-Dummer Township near Stoney Lake.

There was some paperwork inside the box identifying whose ashes they belonged to. The deceased was identified as Samuel Wilson, born on March 17 1941, in Rainsville, Alabama. Douro-Drummer is quite a ways away from where home used to be (it's about a 15 to 16-hour drive to Rainsville).

Investigators have been trying to find and get in contact with one of Wilson's family members, and are now asking the public to aid their search.

Anyone who has information at all that could help with the investigation is asked to reach out to Const. Rich Nie of the Peterborough County OPP at 705-742-0401.

If you want to send in a tip anonymously, or if you have information about "suspected unlawful activity", you can give a call to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or you can submit your tip online at

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

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