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This Texas Restaurant Was Voted One Of The Best In The US & Serves A Huge Chicken Biscuit

It beat out Whataburger's Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit. 👀

A man holding a chicken sandwich from Bird Bird Biscuit. Right: The Firebird and Queen Beak from Bird Bird Chicken.

A man holding a chicken sandwich from Bird Bird Biscuit. Right: The Firebird and Queen Beak from Bird Bird Chicken.

Texas Staff Writer

Each year Yelp compiles a list of the best 100 restaurants in the United States, which is based on public feedback and ranked by various aspects, like the total number of submissions and positive reviews.

This year, an Austin, TX eatery that combines two southern specialties, biscuits and fried chicken, made the fifth spot on the list.

Bird Bird Biscuit has two locations in the state capital that specialize in a scrumptious assortment of flavors packed between huge, fluffy bread large enough to need two hands to hold it.

The plain flaky goodness can be paired with a fruit jam spread or creamy gravy as well as chicken, there are all sorts of creations to partner with your meal.

If you've been looking for a dish that is basically like a craft version of Whataburger's Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit, then this place could be your next favorite eatery.

The most popular selection, and even suggested by Yelp, is the spicy Queen Beak sandwich. It's a thick piece of chicken fried in a spiced batter, doused in cayenne black pepper honey and finished off with a spread of bacon-infused chipotle mayo.

There's something for everyone who loves a mouthwatering TX cuisine, like three different breakfast-style sandwiches such as the Lovely Day which comes with an egg and chicken sausage on it.

The establishment suggests ordering ahead online, so your order will be hot and ready when you arrive.

Bird Bird Biscuit

Price: 💸

Cuisine: Biscuit sandwiches

Address: 2701 Manor Rd., Austin, TX 78722

Why You Need To Go: It was voted the fifth best restaurant in the United States this year.


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