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A Nurse Shares The One Place In Georgia You Should Never Visit In A Viral TikTok Video

It's known with locals to be deadly and potentially "cursed."

​A TikToker explains where not to visit. Right: Lake Lanier in Georgia.

A TikToker explains where not to visit. Right: Lake Lanier in Georgia.

Georgia Contributing Writer

A TikToker has gone viral for her comedic video dishing on a place in Georgia that she claims medical professionals want you to stay away from — Lake Lanier.

The TikToker, who goes by the handle @_nurseblue, refers to herself as a travel nurse in her bio. She can be seen in the video in a set of scrubs, and it appears she's walking through a medical center. Her monologue warns people about one infamous tourist attraction in the most straightforward way.

"Hey y'all, so there are three places that us doctors and nurses recommend that you absolutely do not go to while here in Georgia. One is Lake Lanier. Two is a place called Lake Lanier. And three, my favorite, Lake Lanier," she says.


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From drownings to boating accidents, the lake is notorious with locals across the state for being deadly, and potentially "cursed."

The video has received over 460,000 views, 43,000 likes and a major outpour of over 1,800 comments so far. People sounded off on the viral video, sharing their own personal opinions and experiences at the lake.

"I'm in MD, but know the history of the [flooded] town and the horrors since then.. I approve this message 👏🏾 😂," one commenter chimed in.

Another person joked that the "spirits" at Lake Lanier are "vengeful."

One viewer even thanked the TikToker for sharing. "This lake took my friend’s life. It took them three months to find her," they wrote.

Lake Lanier is the largest human-made reservoir in Georgia. Located just 60 miles north of Atlanta, the lake has 692 miles of shoreline and spans across five counties.

Its murky waters are infamous for its deep, dark history, as well as being a site where it's estimated that nearly 700 people have lost their lives over the years.

Much of the lore stems from the fact that at the bottom of the reservoir are the remnants of Oscarville, a town with an already-dark history of racial cleansing in the early 1900s that was then deconstructed and flooded for the purpose of creating the lake some 40 years later. Those who lived there were removed from their homes and forced to relocate.

Despite the lake's notorious reputation, Lanier sees more than 10 million visitors on its shores every year. It has even served as a backdrop for popular Netflix series Ozark.

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