WKU researchers receive nearly $25,000 grant for Bowling Green radon research

Radon tests show high levels in BG homes

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. – A team of Western Kentucky University students received almost $25,000 for their radon research project.

A handful of researchers from WKU’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences are using the governmental grant for their experimental study, hoping to develop affordable systems that improve air quality.

The group says that in their three years of researching local radon levels, many Bowling Green homes have tested positive for high radon levels. 

A concern, where radon exposure is considered the number one cause of lung cancer to non-smokers.

Professor of Architectural Sciences at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Western Dr. Osama Mansour said, “I’m so proud of my students, and I’m glad that this is going to raise awareness between the students and the community for this issue.”

Next year, the researchers will submit their findings in hope of raising awareness about radon in homes and in hopes of developing an affordable solution.