Lightning in the sky

Lightning has been in the local news in recent days because of a deadly strike hitting multiple individuals in Washington, D.C.

All should take serious warning from that unfortunate incident. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case during outdoor sports seasons during the spring, summer and fall.

Those who regularly attend outside competitions of all types during the periods experience thunderstorm issues when thunder is sounding, even lightning is seen, but games and events still continue despite the danger. That occurs far too frequently.

Sometimes those in charge of events once they are under way – like the umpires or officials once contests start – are concentrating so hard on watching the action, they don’t always see the lightning, which calls for the immediate suspension of play. Maybe that’s the case when they don’t hear the thunder sometimes, as well.

Those situations happen too often, like during one travel baseball game earlier this summer. Thunder was heard and lightning was clearly seen by some, but the contest continued and was never stopped. The two umpires didn’t witness either danger sign, and none of the spectators, or players, spoke up. One spectator who heard the thunder said to others to keep quiet. The storm eventually moved on without any interruption of play.

But that type of attitude regarding a potentially deadly weather condition is far too cavalier.

Weather experts say this. Don’t wait to see lightning to take cover during a thunderstorm. They also say don’t even wait to hear thunder to take cover. If dark clouds are seen and a storm is approaching, take cover at that moment. Again, don’t wait, they say.

Waiting to hear thunder or see lightning can be too late.

It would be a good and safe idea for all to follow those summertime outside storm rules at all times.

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