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This Ontario Farm Winery Has Tipsy Train Tours & You Can Pick Your Own Fruit

Chug chug choo-choo!🍷🚂

Train tours through an orchard and vineyard. Right: Flights of cider at an Ontario farm winery.

Train tours through an orchard and vineyard. Right: Flights of cider at an Ontario farm winery.

Staff Writer

Ontario is full of many different adventures that will take you from summer into fall, like apple picking, scenic train tours and cider tastings. This farm winery in Hamilton just happens to have all three.

Puddicombe Estate Farm Winery & Cider is a hidden estate in Hamilton where you can spend a dreamy afternoon with friends.

You can get a close view of the vineyard and orchards by taking a guided train tour. You can choose to simply enjoy the scenery or book one of the boozy train rides offered.

The whimsical train is fondly named Puddy and is the original train from Crystal Beach Amusement Park. It has since been restored for the tours. There are three daily train tours that mix wine and cider tasting with the scenic ride.

The Train and Tasting Tour is a one-hour adventure that includes the picturesque 30-minute ride around the estate and then a tasting of two wines and one cider. The Train, Tasting & Dessert Tour is similar but also includes dessert and coffee.

The 5oz Wine Train tour lets you sip away on a glass of cider or wine as you wind through the beautiful acres of vines and trees. A guide will lead you on a walk out in the vineyard as well, to learn more about the process.

The historic family farm also grows a variety of produce, some of which you can pick yourself. You can pick your own pears as of August 26 and apple picking begins around the second weekend of September. Pumpkins will be available for purchase come fall.

All of the ciders, wines and sangrias are made entirely in-house and 98% from produce grown on the farm. The only fruits they use but don't grow are cranberries and pineapple. You can find more fresh produce to buy at the small farmers market that is located in the same building as the winery, cafe and bakery.

You can enjoy a buffet menu of meals from Wednesday to Sunday and on weekends you can feast on BBQ and wood-fired pizza. There are also other food and estate tours you can book if the train ride isn't your thing.

You can heat things up with a Group Campfire Party (that is offered year-round). Grab a group of your family and friends to enjoy a wine (or juice) tasting next to a roaring campfire complete with hotdogs and marshmallows to roast. A wagon ride is also included and this event must be booked at least two weeks in advance.

Puddicombe Estate Farm, Winery & Cider

Price: $14.95+ per train and tasting tour

When: Various dates, train tours run from May to October

Address: 1468 #8 Hwy. Winona, Hamilton, ON

Why You Need To Go: This farm and winery have a number of different activities you can take advantage of including fruit picking and boozy tours. You can pair your wine or cider tasting with a scenic train ride.


Narcity does not condone the overconsumption of alcohol or other substances. If you're going to drink alcohol or consume cannabis, please do so responsibly and only if you're of legal age.

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