WFPD reminds drivers to be cautious around school zones

Published: Aug. 10, 2022 at 6:39 PM CDT
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WICHITA FALLS, Texas (KAUZ) - Traffic laws regarding school safety such as school zone speed limits and crosswalks are important to look out for. Wichita Falls Police Department PIO Sgt. Charlie Eipper said it is illegal to ignore these traffic laws and it’s also dangerous for the children in school.

“Now school zones are going to be activated, so we’ve been driving all summer through these and not have to slow down so it’s started,” Eipper said.

WFPD is reminding drivers about traffic laws to help increase the safety of kids going back to school. After about three months of driving through school zones, Eipper said a reminder may be necessary for drivers.

Sharing the road with busses is also something people weren’t used to over the summer.

“With school busses, just remember that when that bus is stopped, those lights are blinking, it’s got the stop sign out there that’s coming out of the drivers side, is you can not go around that bus,” Eipper said.

Eipper said even without a police officer around the area, you can still be held responsible for any traffic violations.

“It doesn’t always take a police officer to see it to get a ticket,” Eipper said. “If a citizen sees it and they know who you are, they can file their own complaint through the municipal court, and that’s a serious matter because we want our kids to be safe.”

When busses come at a stop and kids are being unloaded from the bus, drivers from both sides of the road must come to a complete stop as well.

Eipper also encouraged drivers to look out for crosswalk signs near schools and be extra cautious around them.

“Keep your eyes open at all times for kids crossing through there, you know, adults sometimes don’t know how to cross the street safely, so kids can be even more dangerous at times,” Eipper said.

Eipper said these laws are put in place to protect students from tragic accidents, so it’s important to pay more attention when passing a school zone.

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