Sully Lions Club presents $3,500 check to Maasdam family

Sully Lions Club members prep to-go boxes and serve hundreds of people who took advantage of their Fourth of July meal following the parade on July 4, 2022. Every year, the Lions Club donates proceeds from the annual event to a family or cause.


The Sully Lions Club continues to make a positive impact through their active interest in the community and its people, and their dedication to serve. Recently, Sully Lions Club President Murray Zegers of Sully presented a check in the amount of $3,500 to Shawna and Doug Maasdam. The Lions Club raised the money during their annual Fourth of July meal just over a month ago.

On July 4, 2022, hundreds of people waited in a line that weaved around the square for the delicious picnic-style meal prepared and served by Sully Lions Club members. Every year, the Lions Club chooses a family in need or good cause to donate the meal proceeds to. This year, the $3,500 proceeds were designated for Shawna Maasdam, a long-time resident of the community who continues to endure extensive treatment for breast cancer after being diagnosed in late 2021. Maasdam and her husband Doug live just outside of Sully and have two children, Brett and Kaylee.


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