Okoboji, IA (KICD) — Last week KICD reported on the discovery, and rapid Department of Natural Resources response, of Eurasian watermilfoil in Lost Island Lake. The plant has now been discovered in both Lower and Upper Gar, East Okoboji and Minnewashta Lakes.

Fishery biologist Mike Hawkins says frequent surveys have been done on other nearby lakes following the new discoveries, and so far the plant hasn’t been found.

Hawkins says it’s fortunate that the Iowa Great Lakes are already in good health.

The treatment plan for these new sites will differ from the Lost Island treatment, since they are more spread out.

Hawkins also reiterated that being conscientious is one of the biggest components of combating invasive species, which is vital to the Iowa Great Lakes.

The lakes are a key component in the Iowa Great Lakes economy, so any invasive species can be a cause for concern. Hawkins said he had spoken with the Minnesota DNR who has also been dealing with this plant, and heard that while it isn’t a good situation, it’s not a sign to panic either.