WKRG News 5

Chickasaw students go back-to-school with new initiatives

CHICKASAW, Ala. (WKRG) — A new school year means new programs being implemented for Chickasaw’s pre-k, elementary, middle and high school classes. 

From the youngest student to the oldest, Chickasaw school system has added new programs and refreshed other curriculums.

Some of which include emphasis on college readiness for middle and high school students and play-based career building for the pre-k students.

“Everything that we aim for is to prepare every student for the day after graduation, when they walk out, we want them to have the tools that they need to be successful,” said Superintendent of Chickasaw schools, David Wofford.

Principal of Chickasaw Middle and High School, Arnold Cox, says they’re emphasizing advanced course options such as dual enrollment with Bishop State Community College, A plus college ready curriculum and International Baccalaureate programs.

“I have a saying that I always speak over my students and that is… I am somebody,” said Cox. “I hope that they can come back and know that they are somebody and we’re there to help them be a better somebody.”

The middle and high school also have Career inspired Electives…

one of them is a program called Life Changers that allows students to prepare prosthetic limbs; on campus for amputees in third world countries using 3D printers.

However, the older students are not the only ones with new initiatives.

“We are having a character education speaker come in so that we’re focusing on values and items that we want to implement with our students for the upcoming school year all related to character,” said Principal of Chickasaw elementary school, Christy Amick.

Even the pre-k students are learning. 

They have a crayons to careers program that introduces them to different professions at an early age.

“They think that they’re just having a good time but they’re learning so much, they’re learning writing, communication skills, they’re learning so many things in those centers,” said Director of the Pre-K program, Jodie Mcpherson.

Along with the new initiatives, Chickasaw schools are also growing their physical spaces.

What used to be John Dotson Park, is now the school’s first football stadium, and a 12-classroom elementary wing is also being constructed.

The first bell rang Wednesday morning at 7:45 a.m. for Chickasaw elementary and 7:25 a.m. for middle and high school students.