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Mom asks if she's wrong to exclude disabled daughter from family vacation

Mom asks if she's wrong to exclude disabled daughter from family vacation


Parenting is so hard, especially if you have a disabled child. On top of that, what if you have other children who don't get along with that child? When this mom asks if it would be wrong to leave her developmentally challenged daughter at home during family vacation, she takes to the popular Reddit forum to ask:

Creativepush5577 writes:

'AITA if I don't take just one of my children on holiday with me?'

Hear me out first please!!! I have a young daughter (10) who had a brain trauma condition from being hurt in the womb. She is HARD work. She screams, demands her own way and steals like nothing you've ever seen before. Since the schools broke up for the summer She has been off the charts with her behavior.

Oh man, this is dramatic...

I understand for the most part she can't help it but some she most definitely can. She's very clever and her lies to cover her butt are prize worthy. Now back to the AITA, we have 3 days away booked in a pod that my other 4 children are so so excited over.

There's going to be fire building, games, snacks galore but I just know my daughter will ruin it. She will break the toys, eat all the 'good' snacks. Won't let them sleep and steal their electronics.

Oh no...

This morning I got up and found She had been up in the night and taken all the pre bought sweets and marshmallows. In frustration I told her if this is how she's going to be then she won't be able to come away with us as its not fair on everyone else.

She didn't care, her brain doesn't work like that, she just got mad I caught her. On reflection I thought of course I would never exclude her like that....... but could I? She has been having therapy - it makes no difference but she gets it term time at school. Also, I am in the UK. Not the USA.

The thought of a trip with just the other four for two nights, giving them all the attention and being able to really spoil them sounds like heaven. So would I be the AH?

Such a tough situation. Let's see what Reddit had to say.

Nta I'm thinking of the other kids..its only 2 days and would mean so much to them to have time without the drama. Sounds like she gets a lot of attention normally maybe It's the other kids turn? -jnm8765

NTA, I remember seeing a few documentaries about kids/teens holding grudge over special care siblings and sometimes does very extreme things to them. It’s really important to balance their relationship and give other siblings some attention and fun times. -vbibo

NTA. OP, arrange for her to go with a family member where she'll have a lot of fun and have a lot of attention. I also HIGHLY encourage you to have more time like this, not necessarily trips, but just outings without her. I have a child with special needs, and it can be incredibly draining. -crystallzzz

Well, there you have it. OP is not the AH. Such a tough situation though. What would you have done in this situation?

Sources: Reddit
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