KFOR.com Oklahoma City

Oklahoma Turnpike Authority to ask for bond funds for proposed turnpike

NORMAN, Okla. (KFOR) – All eyes are on a vote that will affect the future of turnpike expansion in Oklahoma.

The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority is going to ask the Oklahoma Council of Bond Oversight to vote on a $500 million bond issuance on Tuesday morning.

The agency says that money is necessary for the design and construction of a new turnpike in Cleveland County.

The proposed turnpike would be constructed along Indian Hills Road and would connect Newcastle to Norman.

Supporters say the toll roads will help with congestion in multiple areas and will expand highway access throughout Cleveland County.

However, not everyone is on board with the plan.

Pike Off OTA has been outspoken about the proposed turnpike, saying the current plan could potentially displace hundreds of homes.

The organization has filed lawsuits against the expansion, calling the turnpike unlawful.

The meeting is set to begin at 11 a.m. on Tuesday at the Oklahoma State Capitol.