[EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a Letter to the Editor, written by a verified resident. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of The SeaTac Blog, nor its staff:]

Council Members,

Last week 8 South King County Mayors made public their demand for changes to the current laws and practices which hinder the prosecution of those who break the law in their cities (see attachment: ‘SKC Mayors Frustrated With Crime’).

In addition, the Mayor of Renton published an explanatory note to the citizens of Renton explaining this collective action (see attachment ‘Renton Mayor Update 8-4-2022’).

I am in agreement with their demands and am appalled that my elected SeaTac city leaders did not also support these demands of 8 elected south King County city mayors.

I ask that you publicly declare your support for those demands and take all necessary actions to implement the desired result.

Our law abiding citizens expect nothing less from you and our law enforcement officers deserve the legislative and judicial pressure that you can impose to return our neighborhoods to the degree of safety that we deserve.

Thank you,
Vicki Lockwood
SeaTac Citizen


EDITOR’S NOTE: Do you have something you’d like to share with our highly engaged local Readers? If so, please email your Letter to the Editor to scott@southkingmedia.com and, pending review and verification that you’re a real human being, we may publish it. Letter writers must use their full names and cite sources – as well as provide an address and phone number (NOT for publication but for verification purposes).