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Traffic Stop Results In Drug Arrest & Turns Up Stolen Checks


Detectives with the Montgomery County Sheriff's office conducted a traffic stop on a Chrysler Minivan at 4th and Maple St. in Independence, Ks. The driver of the vehicle was identified as Ashley Linton of Independence, KS and a passenger in the vehicle was identified as Ryan Banning of Independence, KS. During the traffic stop the sheriff's office Police Service Dog, Hector, altered to the odor of narcotics, allowing detectives to search the vehicle where they located methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia. The driver took ownership of the narcotics and Banning was released from the scene.

Ashley Linton was taken into custody and was transported to the MG Co Dept of Corrections. Where it was discovered that Linton was in possession of written checks belonging to area businesses and citizens. Detectives contacted the businesses and it was determined that they had been stolen within the past couple of weeks. The investigation into the stolen checks is ongoing.

Linton was booked into DOC on charges of alleged possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of methamphetamine, expired tag, and no insurance. The case has been forwarded to the County Attorney's office for review and prosecu

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