
Hughesville, Pa. – A Hughesville man pleaded guilty last month in Lycoming County Court for assaulting a woman and pointing a gun at her head. 

Dakota Engle, 26, hit his female passenger on Jan. 24 as he drove on Route 118. Engle, who was traveling in a blue Honda Accord, became angry as he accused the victim of cheating on him. 

State police at Montoursville say Engle turned onto Beaver Run Road in Franklin Township and began punching the center console as he called the passenger derogatory names. Engle allegedly started grabbing the woman by the hair and hitting her in the back of the head, police said.

Engle was also accused of hitting her a number of times with a closed fist, according to the affidavit written by Trooper Stephen Schramm.

When police talked with Engle later that morning, he appeared drunk and admitted to drinking alcohol early in the day. Engle told police he became angry about messages on the victim's phone and hit her on the head and face at least 20 times with a closed fist, Schramm wrote.

Police also spoke with the woman, who said Engle had previously accused her of cheating on him on Dec. 6 and pointed a loaded gun at her head while threatening her, according to the affidavit.

A felony aggravated assault charge, misdemeanors of simple assault, terroristic threats, and summaries of harassment were filed at the Muncy office of District Judge William C. Solomon. Engle's case was waived for court during a preliminary hearing on Feb. 8. 

Engle entered a plea on July 8 for two counts of misdemeanor simple assault. The felony aggravated assault charge, misdemeanor of terroristic threats, and summary harassment charges were dismissed. 

Sentencing for Engle is scheduled for 9 a.m. Sept. 1 in front of Lycoming County Senior Judge Kenneth D. Brown. 

Docket Sheet

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