Wells Township throws a surprise ‘Happy Birthday’ celebration for man who turns 100

Brilliant, Ohio (WTRF)- You don’t hear of many people living through a whole century, but one man from Brilliant, Ohio certainly did that today.

Gilbert Sterling just turned 100.

Because of that, Wells Township threw a big surprise birthday for him.

Gilbert Sterling is a man of few words, but at least he has this to say.

“I didn’t know I was gonna cause all that trouble.”

Gilbert Sterling, birthday boy turns 100

After Gilbert celebrated at home, his family drove him up to the Wells Township City Office.

Gilbert didn’t think much of it, but when he recognized everyone in this room and saw the cake, he quickly realized this was his big surprise all along.

“I think he was a little bit shocked.”

Gil Sterling, Gilbert’s son

“We kind of kidded him a little bit. I said, ‘you know, you got to have something, 100 years is a lot of years, and that’s a milestone.”

Norm Sterling, Gilbert’s son

They’re clebrating this loved father, grandfather, and even great grandfather and his life so far.

“Throughout the years, he really worked hard.”

Norm Sterling, Gilbert’s son

His family says he’s dedicated 34 years of his life working for a lumber company. He was also a good carpenter and even built a church in Brilliant by scratch.

He’s accomplished a lot through the years but still has at least one last goal in mind.

“One of his goals, believe it or not, is to cross the new bridge they are building. November 17th is the day I hear it’s supposed to be, and I hope to God he can go across the bridge.”

Gil Sterling, Gilbert’s son

And if there’s one more thing to say to the birthday boy, it’s this.

“Happy Birthday. I love you.”

Norm Sterling, Gilbert’s son