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On the ballot: EUPISD Special Education Millage Proposal

CHIPPEWA, LUCE, MACKINAC COUNTIES, Mich. (WJMN) – The Eastern Upper Peninsula Intermediate School District (EUPISD) has a Special Education Millage Proposal on the ballot for August 2’s state primary election.

This proposal will increase the levy by .75 mills by the intermediate school district of the special education millage previously approved by the electors.

“We are asking voters to support a very small amount,” said EUPISD Superintendent Angie McArthur. “If your home is valued at $100,000 the cost is $4.07 a month. If a homeowner has a $150,000 home the cost is $6.11 per month. So we think collectively we can really serve the needs of our students better.”

The EUPISD serves 19 school districts in Chippewa, Luce, and Mackinac Counties. With a total of 6,400 students, 1,200 students receive some type of special education support.

“There are fourteen disability categories. It could be speech and language services, if they are severely multiplied impaired, cognitive impairment, emotional impairment, deaf, blindness, if they need social work support, psychological services. There is just a whole slew of needs and we want to support those the best we can,” said McArthur.

The Eastern U.P. Intermediate School District Special Education Millage Proposal would increase the millage from .2273 mills to .9973 mills on each $1,000 of taxable valuation. The millage would be for a period of seven years, 2022-2028. The estimated revenue the intermediate school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2022 is approximately $2,480,000 from local property taxes.

To find out what is on your ballot, you can visit michigan.gov/vote.