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This Florida Pizza Place Outranked Chicago's Deep Dish Pies For The Best In The US

Chicago's deep dish didn't even make the top 5! 🍕

Pizza at 'O Munaciello Miami. Right: a pizza chef at 'O Munaciello Miami.

Pizza at 'O Munaciello Miami. Right: a pizza chef at 'O Munaciello Miami.

Florida Associate Editor

A nice cheesy slice of pizza isn't always the first cuisine you think of when you're in Florida, but the major cities in the South continue to outrank those well-known for the slices. This time, it's Miami that took the crown over Chicago at No. 5.

The Northern state is well known for its famous deep dish pies, but this hotspot in the Sunshine State outranked all of The Windy City's eateries that sell this type of food.

'O Munaciello Miami is located at 6425 Biscayne Boulevard, right in the heart of the town.

From a regular cheese pizza to a unique pie that has truffle flakes and a huge dollop of burrata cheese, their flavor combinations reach so many taste buds.

The chefs even get really creative with the dough and make different words, like "ITALIA", out of the food.

The restaurant also has various authentic Italian pasta dishes on the menu that whip up and serve, and they also have weekly deals and specials depending on the day.

This dining spot outranked Spacca Napoli Pizzeria in Chi-Town. Another Miami spot that made it into the top 10 was La Leggenda Pizzeria coming in eighth place.

New York took up most of the list. However, not too long ago Tampa took the title over New York City as the best city for pizza in the U.S. because they had so many quality places within blocks of each other.

Miami is no stranger to ranking in the top 10 spots for many surveys, and now this is another win that smells just like victory!

'O Munaciello Miami

Price: Not listed

Cuisine: Italian

Address: 6425 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL

Why You Need To Go: They were ranked Top 5 in the U.S.A. for the best pizza!


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