Your Stories: Iconic slogan returns to iconic Heid’s

A tasty update to One of Your Stories!

Nothing says July Fourth like hot dogs and nothing says hot dogs here in CNY like Heid’s of Liverpool.

Last month, we had a viewer ask us about the iconic slogan “Food You’ll Like” removed from the iconic building.

He was wondering if the slogan was going to be repainted. After all, “Food You’ll Like” has been a fixture on the building for decades.

Heid’s General Manager, Pat Winslow, said the slogan was painted over more than a year ago because the lettering was starting to chip and flake.

Until recently, no one seemed to notice the slogan was gone. Winslow said in June the slogan was going to be repainted in a few weeks. Fans of Heid’s will be happy to hear, that “Food You’ll Like” is displayed once again. It’s in the same spot and style as the old sign.

Winslow said he plans on adding the phrase “Taste the Tradition” to the other side of the building.