Marion, KY water crisis continues

MARION, Ky. (KBSI) – Volunteers passed out gallons of water to families in Marion, Kentucky who need it for drinking and cooking purposes at the old National Guard Armory Friday.

“Basically people are coming around they’re getting water from the national guard, we’re here, we’re taking they’re names and they’re just driving on up, and we’re loading their cars up with water,” said volunteers Jeana Ramage and Amy Collins.

Each family received three cases of water per person with the option of getting gallon jugs.

“Every body uses it, everybody utilizes the water, and we’re just glad that we’re here to help everybody out,” said Ramage and Collins.

A line of vehicles for the water will happen every week until further notice with the system for water going by last name on Thursday and Friday.

Gov. Andy Beshear declared Marion to be in a state of emergency as the city of facing a decline in its water system.

“I do not see it ending in the near future, as long as there is a need for it in the city we will continue to offer it to city residents,” said Danielle Duncan, Planning and Zoning Coordinator with the City of Marion.

With the hot weather getting through the summer is the first goal.

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