Aggravated assault charge

Danville, Pa. — An 85-year-old woman reportedly told police she was jabbed in the throat by a relative, who had previously used the same knife to threaten her on several occasions.

The woman fled her home near the 30 block of Maple Street in Danville on the afternoon of June 23 after the threats were allegedly made. Kevin James Millard then barricaded himself inside the residence as he clutched the knife, police said.

The 30-year-old Millard was described as “out of his mind” on methamphetamine by the accuser, who contacted officers with the Mahoning Township Police Department. They were assisted on scene by the Danville Police Department, the Riverside Police Department, and the Montour County Sheriff’s Office to gain entry into the home.

James was taken into custody and agreed to speak with investigators, who said he admitted to holding a knife to the woman's throat. A 13-inch knife was discovered on a bed beside where authorities located Milliard, according to an affidavit.

Millard was charged with first and second-degree felony aggravated assault, third-degree terroristic threats, simple assault, and harassment during a June 23 preliminary arraignment with Judge Marvin Shrawder. Millard, who will appear in court for a preliminary hearing on July 25, was incarcerated at the Montour County Prison on $250,000 bail.

Docket sheet

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