Rising Prices Impact Fireworks Sales

Rising prices on fireworks and other goods are burning holes in customers' wallets, which could mean fewer displays this year.

It’s a time of jubilation here in the Carolinas as Independence Day draws near. But fireworks aren’t the only things soaring as high as the Fourth of July. Sky-high inflation is raising the prices on everything from your basic bottle rockets to your more magnificent mortars.

All of this means less bang for your buck.

Higher prices are leading to a bit of burnout for some, including Rock Hill resident Malinda Foster.

“Everything else is so expensive, you know. If gas was under three dollars, I might spend a little something extra… it’s very frustrating. I looked back a couple of years ago, when we were all making good money, we were making bonuses for our performance, and now we’re working twice as many hours and not getting those extra incentives to keep going.”

That said, manager Kim Pyles of Red Rocket Fireworks in Fort Mill says they’re doing their best to keep prices low.

“Price increases have happened in every industry, including ours… there’s a few items that are up, but overall, our prices are very similar to where they’ve been in the past.”

The increased costs aren’t raining on everyone’s parade, though. Brian Mitchell & Reese Smith drove over two hours to get their fireworks from Red Rocket.

“You can’t do nothing with inflation. It happens. So, as far as the prices to have some fun, it doesn’t matter,” says Mitchell.

Kim has some good news for those looking to pass their budget with flying colors.

“We do not have the supply issue that we had last year. So, that’s not as much of a concern. However, when you wait, there’s always the possibility that the most popular items would be gone. It’s also harder to get more individualized help when this place is packed.”

The point is, buy sooner rather than later. Visit www.americanpyro.com for more information on how to stay safe this holiday season.