Shepard State Park in Gautier makes upgrades to location

Shepard State Park in Gautier has made several upgrades to the park recently and News 25 was able to catch up with Mayor Casey Vaughan to learn about all the new amenities.

One of the most recent renovations at the park is the widening of the roughly ten miles of natural trails. The park has made each trail at least eight feet wide to give more space to hikers and cyclists. This project cost $11,550 with about $8,000 of the funds paid through Tidelands Funds.

Prior to this upgrade, the park completed its marsh walk pier which gives visitors a closer look at the marsh habitat, birds, and other wildlife.

The city even received the Small Project of the Year award for the pier. Mayor Vaughan said, “I’m ecstatic to be able to see the park continue to have benefits, amenities that benefits not only our citizens but our guests, and it is an economic development attraction here to come.”

Day passes to the park are $4 and annual passes go for $42.

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