Riverfront Stadium, Rosemary Clooney | Enquirer historic front pages from July 1

The Enquirer

Take a look back at history through the front pages of The Cincinnati Enquirer. Every day we look at 10 pages that show the local, national and international headlines.

Today’s pages cover news reported in The Enquirer on July 1 in years ranging from 1950 to 2002. Headlines included the opening of Riverfront Stadium in 1970 (with a commemorative cover page), the Alaska Statehood bill passed in 1958 on its way to becoming the 49th state and the death of Rosemary Clooney in 2002. 

Check out more editions of Today in History at Cincinnati.com. Get full access to more than 180 years of The Enquirer’s print archives at Newspapers.com.

July 1, 1950

July 1, 1952

July 1, 1958

July 1, 1970

July 1, 1970

July 1, 1971

July 1, 1974

July 1, 1983

July 1, 1994

July 1, 1995

July 1, 2002