CHASDEI HASHEM – NISSIM: Lakewood Boy Strangled at Park Being Released From Hospital

Moshe, the six-year-old Lakewood boy strangled at a park is being released from the hospital today, the family tells TLS.

The boy will be heading to rehab, and is expected to IYH make a full recovery.

Yosef Chaim and Shoshana Pollak, the parents of the boy, released the following statement to TLS:

הודו לה’ כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו – מי כעמך ישראל

Dear Family, Friends, and Klal Yisroel,

We would like to begin by thanking Hakadosh Baruch Hu for restoring the life of our dear son, Moshe.

As we sit down and think back at the events of the past week and a half, we are overwhelmed with gratitude to all those that took part in bringing about this miracle and to a number of special individuals in particular. Please accept this statement as a personal thank you.

Family, Friends, and Klal Yisroel you davened, you took on kabalos, you came over to show support, you comforted our children at home, you prepared food for our family, you left us caring messages, you stormed the heavens for our Moshe as you would for your own child, and you really cared. We are happy to report to you that the time has now come to rejoice together for this tremendous miracle we experienced.

We would be remiss if we did not mention the caring and kindness of a few individuals that went above and beyond anything we could have imagined.

Our dear and devoted Rav, Harav Aryeh Sherwinter Shlit”a. The Rav has once again mobilized on our behalf the tremendous spiritual force that is truly the root of everything that transpires in the physical world. We did not have a chance to sit down in the ambulance before we received his call to offer Chizuk and an inquiry regarding adding a name. In fact, a Hatzalah member relates that he witnessed improvement approximately five minutes before arriving at the ER, which was around the time that the name Refael was added. At 1:30 AM that night and numerous times throughout each of the next few days the Rav was constantly calling to inquire about our well-being and guided us in every way possible. May Hashem bench you with the ability to continue guiding our Kehilah for many years to come.

Shuey Shmuckler from Hatzalah, you are amazing. You notified at the beginning in a sensitive way the reality that our child is close to the Olam Haemes. Your pure hashkafah in Hashem’s control and that lack of control of doctors was your resounding and reassuring message from the time we entered your ambulance. Well in this case, the immediate powerful power of tefila was on our side. From the initial CAT scan to the MRI and all the rest of the testing we received only positive results. A true medical miracle! You stayed with us for hours in the hospital holding our hands and then kept us on your mind throughout this ordeal with daily follow up calls. Words cannot express our gratitude to you and your Hatzalah team Elchonon Zurkin, Ephraim Shakarofsky, Yitzchok Zlatkin, and Aharon Mueller.

(moderated – upon request) from Bikur Cholim, we cannot imagine making it through this challenge without you. Instead of arriving at the Emergency Room and having to deal with a swarm of doctors, trauma teams etc on our own, we were greeted by you and your volunteers who are tremendously knowledgeable and eager to be of assistance. Staying with us until late at night listening to our concerns and guiding us throughout this ordeal reassured us that we were truly not alone. The food pantry has nourished our bodies and your care and compassion has nourished our spirits.

Yes, Moshe will iy”H once again go to Cheder! Moshe will B’Chasdei Hashem have a FULL RECOVERY and continue to be a source of nachas to Hakadosh Baruch Hu!

May Hashem look down at how his Klal Yisroel united and treated us in our time of crisis. They have truly shown the power, beauty, and unity that Klal Yisroel possess. They are worthy of the proclamation ישראל אשר בך אתפאר. May this be the last zechus that is needed to finally bring Mashiach Tzinkeinu and the building of the Bais Hamikdash speady in our days.

With hearts full of gratitude,

Yosef Chaim and Shoshana Pollak

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  1. Can TLS ask the family if Tefilos are still needed? Sometimes this wonderful means that B”H there has been a Refuah Shelaima and sometimes this wonderful means that things look so so so much better but he could still use Tefilos.

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