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This Texas City Is One Of The Most Affordable Beach Towns In The US This Year

You could live by the water for an affordable price! 🌊

A set of beach chairs and an umbrella on Rockport Beach.

A set of beach chairs and an umbrella on Rockport Beach.

Texas Staff Writer

There's certainly a market for inexpensive real estate in quaint coastal beach towns across the United States. If you've been wanting to experience it for yourself, Realtor recently compiled data to list the most affordable beach towns in America.

After scouring the median home prices of over 1,300 coastal towns located around the country for a year, the home-searching website elected the cheapest towns to live in that are actually "on the water" and have fun beachy activities and eateries.

This year, Rockport, down the south Texas coastline, made the seventh spot of the ranking.

With a median listing price of $435,112, there are many gorgeous waterfront homes and adorable cottages available for purchase around the community.

Many Rockport homes offer breathtaking views of the surrounding bays.

For example, this three-bedroom cottage in the Coral Reef neighborhood has a huge upstairs deck with a sweeping panorama of ocean, and it's listed for $419,000.

Equally as important is having access to the water like this four-bedroom, two-story home off of Aransas Bay that currently goes for $475,000.

Other than stellar home prices, Rockport, TX is known for having some of the prettiest beaches in the Lone Star State. After all, the whole town sits upon the sparkling blue Gulf of Mexico.

If you're planning on visiting or even moving to this small town, add the fun shores of Rockport Beach or the historic district full of local restaurants and small businesses to your bucket list.

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