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One Of The Best US Cities To Live Is In Florida & It Was Ranked By Social Media Hashtags

It's giving us all the aesthetics! 📸

A woman on a boat in Miami, FL. Right: The streets of Miami, FL.

A woman on a boat in Miami, FL. Right: The streets of Miami, FL.

Florida Associate Editor

Miami, FL did it again! It was ranked one of the top best cities to live in the U.S.A., and, even though it was recently on the charts as one of the most expensive places in the world to live in luxury, people can't seem to stay away.

Whether it's the sunny days that warm up the sand or the towering sky rises that glisten over the sparkling ocean, it's brought a revolutionized way of living in a post-pandemic reality.

The study was complete by an organization called Best Cities and they compiled the list from a number things, like employment opportunities, how many visitors travel there, and even the amount of social media mentions it has.

This Florida destination landed the tenth spot on the list. It was highlighted its foreign-born population and — believe it or not — the amount of Instagram promotion it receives.

Can we blame the study? Miami is a living postcard no matter what street you turn... and at night, the skyline is truly something special. In fact, the report says its "the second-most Instagrammed city in the country and Top 10 for Google trends and Facebook Check-Ins".

If you're a social media superstar, there are no shortage of aesthetics in this town.

That's not the only reason its in the Top 10. There's so many cultural hubs like Little Havana and Little Haiti that really make it's mark for migratory attractiveness.

It's the metro area's "openness to immigrants (and, more recently, the LGBTQ+ community, and, even more recently than that, Silicon Valley migrants) that has the city ranking #1 in America for ForeignBorn Population and #4 in our vital, talent-centric People category," the Best Cities' staff gathered.

Another win for the city is their culinary arts. One of their restaurants, Fratellino Ristorante, was just named the best place to eat in Florida by Yelp.

Its constant recognition is putting a spotlight on the popular city furthering the reason why people just fall in love with the South.

Before you get going, check out our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your adventure.

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