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Everything You Need To Know About The New Miss Texas, Averie Bishop

Here’s what the law graduate did with the prize money!

Averie Bishop poses in her SMU graduation gown. Right: Averie Bishop in Coachella Valley.

Averie Bishop poses in her SMU graduation gown. Right: Averie Bishop in Coachella Valley.

Texas Staff Writer

This past weekend, 25-year-old Averie Bishop from Carrolton, TX made history when she became the first Asian American woman to win the title of Miss Texas.

Following her victory, Bishop will go on a year-long campaign in Texas public schools, and also eventually compete in the iconic Miss America pageant representing the Lone Star State.

"I am going to work tirelessly to promote small, minority-owned businesses, diversity and inclusion across public schools, and advocate for anti-hate and discrimination policy for the city of Dallas," Bishop told Narcity.

Bishop first began pining after the Miss Texas scholarship title three years ago after realizing she wanted more representation for Asian Americans in the pageant system.

"In 2019, I got tired of waiting around for someone to be the role model I needed," Bishop said. "I asked myself, 'if not me, then who?' I took a leap of faith and competed in my first local competition where I won the title of Miss Lufkin."

There's actually more to the contest than a sparkly tiara to win — like the Miss Texas scholarship that she just won.


Lets get to work texas !! 🤠🤠🤠🤠 #missamerica #texas

Competitors in the 85-year-old organization typically have a social cause or mission they speak on, like Bishop's passion for promoting a tolerant and understanding culture in Dallas.

The non-profit competition has long given away monetary scholarships to winners that then help fund those academic or professional adventures.

Bishop mentioned in a TikTok video that she was awarded a $24,000 scholarship for winning the main title, and the money will go toward covering her student debt.

Apart from being the ultimate beauty queen, Bishop runs a non-profit called The Tulong Foundation, which provides aid to children in impoverished countries so they can attend school.

She is a first-generation college graduate with a passion for law. She was studying for the bar exam following her May 2022 graduation from SMU law school, however, she says she's deferring for a year to prioritize her job as Miss Texas.

With over 800,000 TikTok followers and 65,000 on Instagram, she shares cool snapshots of her life between her homes in Texas and New York City. These days she'll probably be showing viewers a glimpse into the glamourous, yet hard-working life of her new position.


Will air tonight at 6PMCT on NBC5 !!#texas #missamerica

If you personally want to ask her a question or learn more about her, Bishop is holding a live Q&A chat on June 29 7 p.m. CST on her TikTok and Instagram accounts.

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