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This TikToker Is Asking People On The Street For Their Salary In Atlanta & It's Eye-Opening

The strangers' results ranged from $50,000 to $350,000 a year.

​A truck driver revealing his salary in Atlanta. Right: A social media agent revealing his salary in Atlanta.

A truck driver revealing his salary in Atlanta. Right: A social media agent revealing his salary in Atlanta.

Georgia Contributing Writer

The recent TikTok trend of asking pedestrians in the United States what their yearly salary is has made its way to Atlanta.

The account American Income posted a series of videos asking more than a dozen people outside of Turner Field just how much income they bring in each year, and the answers are eye-opening.

When asked about their annual income, the strangers' results ranged from $50,000 to $350,000 a year.

Some of the salaries include:

  • Truck driver: $75,000
  • Credit specialist: $350,000
  • Education technology: $80,000
  • Social media agency owner: $250,000
  • Solar energy consultant: $50,000
  • Hotel operations manager: $90,000
  • Public speaker/entrepreneur: $200,000
  • Real estate appraiser: $150,000
  • High school teacher: $50,000

Atlanta, GA📍 Hit that follow button. #fyp #fypシ #foryou #motivation #entrepreneur #atlanta #atl #georgia #author #athlete #inspire #lifeadvice #advice #career #salary #topgunmode #fordforthebuilders #speaker #motivational #motivationmonday #income #money #job #whatdoyoudoforaliving #charlotte #educational #information #disabilityawareness #disability #american #10millionadoptions

Kyle Maynard, an award-winning public speaker, author and athlete living with a disability revealed that his yearly income falls in the $200,000 range.

When asked if he loves his job replied, "I love it a lot. I've got the best job in the world, I get to go and get people fired up about life."

In one viral video with 1.7 million views, a high school teacher with 22 years of experience revealed he only makes $50,000 a year, although he said his job was "very rewarding."

People in the comments felt that given his experience he was underpaid. One top comment with more than 12,000 likes reads, "22 years of experience should be at least 80K."


Atlanta, Ga📍 Hit that follow button. #fyp #fypシ #atlanta #georgia #atl #auto #automotive #money #career #lifeadvice #funny #topgunmode #careeradvice #salary #salarynegotiation #corporate #whatdoyoudoforaliving #atlantabraves #braves #mlb #baseball

One auto loan officer shared that he makes $80,000 to $100,000 a year and added, "I absolutely love it. I work from home and smoke weed every day."

Although rental prices all over the South are skyrocketing, Atlanta has remained one of the more affordable major cities to live in. Especially if you compare the cost of living in Atlanta to cities like Miami, Florida, where housing costs are 27.4% more expensive, according to data from Best Places.

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