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Georgia Residents Are Getting Another Stimulus Check & Here’s How You Can Get Up To $500

Other states are joining in too!

​The Atlanta skyline at sunset.

The Atlanta skyline at sunset.

Georgia Contributing Writer

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans across the country got a little extra help from stimulus checks, but for most of us, it's been a while since one hit our bank accounts.

In March, Georgia's governor signed House Bill 1302, which is a new law attempting to offset the rising cost of inflation by refunding some money back into the hands of taxpayers.

We've seen inflation hit the South pretty hard, as housing and rental prices in Southern cities continue to skyrocket on an upward trend, leaving some wondering if it's time to relocate.

The amount you receive will all depend on marital status, dependents and how you filed your taxes, to begin with.

The payouts begin at $250 and go up from there.

Georgia residents who are single or filed separately can expect to receive a payment of $250.

If you have declared yourself the head of the household while filing, the refund will be for $375.

Finally, married couples or anyone who filed joint taxes in 2020 and 2021 will receive a payment of $500.

To qualify for the one-time bonus, you have to be an active Georgia resident, as the bill excludes sending payments to non-residents, dependents or trusts.

Other states like California, Maine, Hawaii and New York are proposing similar rebate programs to help people cope with the rising costs of living seen across the country.

The payment will automatically hit your account if you have filed your taxes in the years 2020 and 2021.

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