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You Can Hike A Suspension Bridge Through The Florida Trees & See A Dreamy Flower Field

There's an incredible view of the treetops at the top of the canopy.

A woman in a flower field at Myakka River State Park. Right: Under the bridge at Myakka River State Park.

A woman in a flower field at Myakka River State Park. Right: Under the bridge at Myakka River State Park.


There's an exciting adventure waiting to happen at Myakka River State Park in Florida, where you can find an incredible suspension bridge and gorgeous prairie field that you would only dream of.

This park is actually home to the first treetop trail in North America, and it's just an hour drive from Tampa to Sarasota.

It's an enchanting place perfect for avid hikers and curious explorers. The bridge is lifted 25 feet above the ground, but there is a canopy tower that is as tall as 75 feet high, which is taller than the trees.

You'll be able to see a sea of green treetops and overlook the breathtaking yellow flowers in the field.

As you hike across the 100-foot long wooden bridge, you'll be one with nature dodging the tropical foliage that envelops you around you. It will feel as though you entered the jungle.

The Myakka River winds through the area and is a peaceful natural feature that enhances the beauty of the place.

If you look closely, you may spot diverse wildlife, including birds, gators, and turtles on your journey. The park offers tours that will have you one with nature.

When you get to the flower field, it's like a slice of heaven brimming with yellow daisies that goes on for miles. The sunsets paint the sky hues of yellow, orange and pink that look absolutely stunning across the prairie.

You can also camp at this park to wake up to the beaming sunrise, as it offers three campgrounds with 90 campsites. There's also an opportunity there for fishing, bicycling, paddling and much more.

You'll want to strap on your boots and explore the extraordinary amenities this state park has to offer.

Myakka River State Park

Price: $6 per vehicle

Address: 13208 State Road 72, Sarasota, FL

Why You Need To Go: You can go on a suspension bridge through trees, go up the canopy tower above the treetops, and even frolic in a prairie of daisies.

There is no shortage of activities and spectacular sites at Myakka River State Park, it might even make you feel like you entered the jungle.


Before you get going, check out our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your adventure.

*This piece has been updated since June 18, 2020.

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