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Travis Barker Was Mysteriously Rushed To Hospital With Kourtney Kardashian At His Side

His daughter is asking for "prayers."

Travis Barker. Right: Kourtney Kardashian.

Travis Barker. Right: Kourtney Kardashian.

Global Staff Writer

Travis Barker has been hospitalized for a sudden medical issue, and his new wife Kourtney Kardashian looks worried.

The Blink-182 drummer went to a hospital in Calabasas, California on Tuesday, but his condition was apparently so serious that he was rushed to another facility in Los Angeles on Tuesday afternoon, reported E! News.

It was not immediately clear what medical emergency he was dealing with.

Wife Kourtney Kardashian was by his side the whole time, photos obtained by TMZ show. One image shows Kardashian standing by her husband as he is being rolled out of an ambulance on a stretcher.

Barker, 46, posted a brief message on Twitter Tuesday afternoon that's only added to the medical mystery. It said "God save me," although it's unclear if the message is related to his health scare. "God save me" is also the title of a track by Barker's friend, Machine Gun Kelly.

Later in the day, Barker's daughter Alabama, 16, shared a note about him on her Instagram stories. "Please send your prayers," she wrote.

Barker has had a few health scares in the past, the LA Times reports. He had blood clots in each arm in 2018, and also previously had a staph infection.

The musician has also been open about his health since a near-death experience in 2008, when he was involved in a plane crash that left him with third-degree burns over much of his body.

In May, Barker and Kardashian celebrated their wedding in Portofino, Italy, surrounded by family and friends. It was their third wedding ceremony in recent months, but everything is now official.

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