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'Selling Sunset' Star Christine Quinn Is Working In Miami & None Of The Cast Supported Her On IG

"She Selling Miami now. 💅"

Christine Quinn in a green dress cover-up. Right: Christine Quinn in Miami, FL.

Christine Quinn in a green dress cover-up. Right: Christine Quinn in Miami, FL.

Florida Associate Editor

Christine Quinn from Netflix's Selling Sunset has been making waves ever since she left the franchise, and she announced she now has listings in Miami, Florida.

Recently, her co-star Maya Vander started a real estate firm in the Magic City and left Southern California to pursue new business endeavors as well.

The only difference is that many of the cast sent Vander well wishes, yet none of the cast seemed to publicly back Quinn on her new venture.

She posted a photo on Instagram with the caption, "She Selling Miami now. 💅"

After taking a look at the comments, none of the cast members from the real estate franchise congratulated her as they did her former colleague. However, the ladies of the Tampa spin-off were excited about the news.

"Excuse meeeeee," commented Anne-Sophie Petit-Frere. Colony Reeves and Karla Giorgio also commented, expressing their support.

Quinn then made another social media post at The St. Regis Bal Harbour Resort, posing on Miami Beach.

While she seemed to have severed many ties with the cast after not showing up to the reunion, Chelsea Lazkani is still friends with her and commented on her page.

Upon ending her time on the series, she opened her new brokerage, RealOpen, with her husband, selling homes with cryptocurrency.

On her company's website, they already have listings in Miami, and you can find properties in places like Brickell and Fisher Island. Currently, the homes listed sell for $8 million and over.

We reached out to Christine Quinn for comment and will update this article upon response.

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