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Red Sox Hall of Famer Bill Lee visits Ruthven for GTRA baseball camp

RUTHVEN, IOWA (KCAU) – Bill Lee has lived and breathed baseball his entire life, but when the Boston Red Sox Hall of Famer’s MLB career came to an end in 1982, Lee knew he still wanted to be around the game. Fast forward 40 years later, and the 75-year-old is back to pitching on the diamond, this time for the Savannah Bananas exhibition traveling team, with Ruthven, IA serving as the next destination for his trek across America.

Adorned in a bright yellow Bananas uniform, Lee didn’t shy away from showcasing his threads from Savannah. Part of the visit was spent reuniting with G-T/R-A head baseball coach Bob Protexter, who served as a translator for Bill in the Soviet Union during their time in the military.

The Titans are holding a practice style camp and scrimmage over the next two days, with Lee sharing his experiences while wasting no time to get back on the mound. For a man who comes from the Harlem Globetrotters of baseball, Bill has played the game from all areas of the world, and has plenty of knowledge to impart to the next generation of players.