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There's A Lake With Sparkling Turquoise Water In Utah & Celebrities Love Visiting

Kylie Jenner & her friends had a breathtaking Utah trip this year!

Kylie Jenner on a boat. Right: Kylie Jenner and a friend swimming.

Kylie Jenner on a boat. Right: Kylie Jenner and a friend swimming.

Texas Staff Writer

The Four Corner states offer many dazzling natural wonders that tourists flock to visit and drink in the breathtaking experiences — Arizona's pink canyon wave and Colorado's colossal sand dunes are great examples.

There's a magical lake in Utah, which also spills into Arizona, and it perfectly fits right in with that list of awe-inspiring nature. Lake Powell sits within the bright orange sandstone of Glen Canyon and it has sparkling blue waters.

The beautiful destination piques the interest of stars like Kylie Jenner.

The youngest of the Kardashian family visited the lake with some friends at the beginning of June, according to some Instagram photos taken in a boat in front of similar-looking rocks and a viral video posted to TikTok about her visit.

Jenner has stayed the nearby five-star, celebrity hot spot resort Amangiri in 2020, and recent social imagery suggests she did as well during this year's trip.

Other celebs like Brad Pitt and Sara Sampaio have made sure to stop by the impressive canyon lake for unique boating excursions through the intricately carved rock formations that look like the surface of Mars.

The turquoise lake is a human-made reservoir sitting inside the natural canyon. Over the years, it has become a coveted destination for people to hike, swim, and pose for one-of-a-kind pictures.

Besides a day trip on a boat, the most popular Lake Powell activity is renting a stay on a houseboat where you can wake up to early morning views of the sunrise glowing on the canyon rocks.

Lake Powell

Price: $30 per vehicle 

Where: Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Why You Need To Go: This turquoise lake is a celebrity hot spot and a natural wonder. 


Before you get going, check out our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your adventure.

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