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3 Hamilton Shootings Happened In Less Than 90 Minutes & Police Are Investigating

They all happened on Monday night.

Hamilton police cars.

Hamilton police cars.

Toronto Associate Editor

Three shootings happened in less than an hour and a half in Hamilton, and police are now looking into each incident.

In a news release issued on June 28, Hamilton police reported that the shootings occurred on Monday night, starting at around 10:30 p.m., 10:40 p.m. and the last one at about 11:50 p.m.

The first shooting officers responded to took place in the area of Mohawk Road West and Magnolia Drive, where police went to a "short-term rental location" and saw that the occupant had negligently fired off a firearm inside of the residence.

According to police, nobody sustained any injuries, and there was minor damage to the home. The suspect behind this shooting is described as a white man in his 30s, 5 feet, 9 inches tall.

The second shooting happened around Main Street East and Holton Avenue South, where one person had to be taken to the hospital for non-life-threatening injuries. When police arrived at the scene, the suspect had already fled the area.

Police are still looking for the suspect, who they describe as a man with short dreadlocks who was seen wearing a blue tracksuit and white sneakers.

The last shooting occurred in the area of Douglas and Mars avenues, where an officer attended the location and heard multiple shots fired inside the home. According to the police, no one sustained any injuries in relation to this incident, and no information was provided about the suspects in the release.

"The Hamilton Police are asking residents in the area to review their security surveillance cameras between the hours of 11:15 p.m. to midnight for any suspicious activity and to contact police," the news release reads.

Detectives also added that anyone who was driving in the area at that time and has dashcam footage they could share to reach out to investigators.

Hamilton police's Division Three Criminal Investigation is overseeing the Mohawk Road West and Magnolia Drive shooting, while the Division One Criminal Investigation Branch is in charge of the second and third shootings.

Anyone with any information can either reach out to the respective investigators on each case or leave an anonymous tip through Crime Stoppers.

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

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