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This Vegan Restaurant In Florida Was Ranked The Best To Eat In All Of North America

It's healthy and so good. 🤤

A woman holding a to-go box of food from The Mediterranean Chickpea. Right: Food from The Mediterranean Chickpea.

A woman holding a to-go box of food from The Mediterranean Chickpea. Right: Food from The Mediterranean Chickpea.

Florida Associate Editor

One of the best restaurants to eat at in all of the U.S. and Canada is located in Florida, and it earned its title on the well-known site, Yelp.

They looked at the top 100 vegan restaurants across North America, and The Mediterranean Chickpea in Tampa takes first place.

From homemade hummus, with a variety of different flavors, to authentic grape leave dishes and falafel, there's one constant word that you can see on over 200 reviews: delicious.

One customer even called it a "best-kept secret" in Tampa.

However, it's not just locals that are finding out about this hot spot. According to the Yelp reviews, many tourists and visitors from out-of-state have flocked to this establishment to get a taste of Mouna's — the owner's — delicacies.

"YUM!!! This food is delicious. I especially liked the lentil salad, babaganoush, and the lentil soup with potatoes and kale," wrote one patron from Marietta, GA. "The woman who works here is so friendly and helpful. Definitely worth a visit if you enjoy Mediterranean food!"

The menu includes tasty veggie wraps, as well as nutritious couscous and quinoa salads blended with unique combinations. These flavors can get your taste buds going, and clearly have done just that, as it is rated five stars.

Each food item is made from fresh ingredients and nothing on the menu exceeds $20.

Pita, dips, and lentils could be the next spread at your dinner party. The Mediterranean Chickpea offers online ordering, catering and in-person dining options, as well.

The Mediterranean Chickpea

Price: 💸

Cuisine: Mediterranean, Vegan

Address: 3217 S. Macdill Ave. Suite C, Tampa, FL

Why You Need To Go: This nutritious restaurant spot is the top ranked food spot in all of the U.S. & Canada with menu items authentic to a Mediterranean cuisine, and it's vegan!

Accessibility: Wheelchair/stroller accessible


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