Letter to the Editor – Mayor Mutz make this proclamation in July!

“I began to think of all the groups in the United States that go to great lengths to make their allegiances known. The gay community (less than 2% of the population in the United States) celebrates Gay Pride in June. They wear the insignia of a rainbow on their clothing. There are also Black Pride demonstrations (some that include kneeling during the National Anthem). Democrats and Republicans make quite a fuss during election year. It does not matter if the rest of the world approves of any of these organizations or not. They have made themselves known by their constant demand to be acknowledged.”

“Now the question? What has happened to the Christian community in this country? Christians make up 65 percent of the population and yet over the last few decades they have faded into the background as though they are ashamed to admit their beliefs publicly. Our government has given us the idea that to announce what we believe and to stick to those principals, we are somehow infringing on other Americans. The sad part of this is that we have come to accept that philosophy.” 


On behalf of ALL who are PROUD to be STRAIGHT, HETEROSEXUAL, MARRIED BIBLICALLY AND LAWFULLY, we challenge Mayor Mutz of Lakeland, Florida to proclaim “CHRISTIAN CELEBRATION MONTH” in Lakeland.  

Evidently he does not need any vote from the rest of the commission to make proclamations! 


July 2022 through June 2023 should be set aside as “CHRISTIAN CELEBRATION” months. 

He calls himself a “CHRISTIAN” and has stated that it is his true North. So, we are asking him to take a stand and make this proclamation on July 1st in the City of Lakeland.  

Pastor Jon Friedt, Believers Fellowship, would love to be a part of this day and would love to pray over the “CHRISTIAN CELEBRATION” marriages and households during the proclamation.  

Shouldn’t other pastors take a stand for this too? One would think, but we only hear and see Pastor Friedt being the voice of truth with proof. There are hundreds of churches in Lakeland, and only one is proud to be have CHRISTIAN VALUES. 

See also  Letter to the Editor: Will Lakeland be next? Will Mayor Mutz say yes?

“CHRISTIAN CELEBRATION” includes those married biblically and lawfully, and those who are proud to be a Christian and living according to God’s Commandments. This includes children, singles, couples of a man & woman, families, anyone who is a believer in God AND who is proud to be a man of God or a woman of God as created at birth. 

As the song says, “Jesus loves the little children, All the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, They are precious in His sight.

Jesus loves the little children of the world.”

No one should be left out in the proclamations, even the babies, who are a creation by God. 

Every “CHRISTIAN LIFE MATTERS” and we need to have “CHRISTIAN CELEBRATION” and walk with our heads high. 

So, Mayor Mutz, what say you? Are you PROUD TO BE A CHRISTIAN and make this proclamation? 

Our Religious Freedoms are being restored, and prayer has been restored by the Supreme Court today and Roe V Wade has been overturned.  Celebrating our FREEDOMS is monumental! It’s time to Celebrate CHRISTIANS in Lakeland!


Straight, Christian, Conservative, Law Abiding, Married to my Spouse lawfully & biblically, voters of Lakeland

The following families have been a part of this letter to the Editor: 

The Johnson Family, The Galbraith-Anderson Family, The Poe Family, The Smith Family, The Collins Family, The Sutton Family, The Satterfield’s, The Rivera Family, The Santana Family, The Jones’, The Wilson Family, The Jackson’s, The Lewis Family, The King Family, The Stevens Family,  The Lewis’, The Walker Family, The Flores Family, The Stewart Family,  The Graves’, The Cooper Family, The Blackburn’s, The Bryant Family, The Arnold’s, The Dixon Family, The Kelley Family, The Jenkins Family, The Fancelli Family, The Rogans, The Zimmerman’s, and many others.

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9 thoughts on “Letter to the Editor – Mayor Mutz make this proclamation in July!

  1. On behalf of ALL of the constituents in Lakeland, MAYOR MUTZ IS A FRAUD WOKE RINO! He needs to GO! Who has money to get an attorney and look into the election fraud with his win with mail in ballots?! We need a pro Bono attorney to step up now! He is too WOKE and Lakeland is sick and tired of his politics!

  2. Believe me, if Publix tells the Mayor to do this, it will be done! And maybe while doing this, he can gift them with more tax breaks!

  3. The Mayor is vocal about broadband internet and not morals! You don’t get kickbacks with supporting biblical principles!

  4. Excellent letter and I totally agree. Seems to me that Mayor Mutz has got himself into quite the conundrum. Twill be interesting watching him try to extricate himself, although I think highly unlikely as his true colors have shown through yet again.

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