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You Can Spot Manatees And Dolphins At This Hidden Beach In Georgia & Only Locals Know About It

The miniature beach is perfectly off the beaten path.

​A woman and her dog in Butterbean beach. Right: A kayak on Butterbean beach.

A woman and her dog in Butterbean beach. Right: A kayak on Butterbean beach.

Georgia Contributing Writer

Savannah, GA is known for its budding restaurant and bar scene, rich historic background, and scenic and eccentric architecture.

When tourists make their way through the Hostess City, many set aside time to visit Tybee Island, the charming and quaint beach town just outside of Savannah.

But there are hidden gems tucked away on Georgia's stunning coastline that not many people know about unless they're local.

There are winding back rivers that branch out from the Atlantic Ocean, and you can navigate the waters by ocean kayak to catch a scenic view of the marsh.

Butterbean Beach is a tiny secret location that can be found on the Intercoastal Waterway on the way to Skidaway Island State Park.

This spot is a popular drop-off point for people looking to spend some time padding along the winding narrow paths.

Though the actual shoreline is really tiny, there is a set-aside swimming area along with some spots to set up a picnic to relax in the sun.

Since it is off the beaten path, it's not uncommon to get a first-hand glimpse at some of the wildlife the coast has to offer.

Dolphins and otters can be seen swimming and playing in the gentle waves that expand across the horizon.

But this spot is also known for being one of the few places in Georgia where you can encounter a manatee in the wild.


Dolphin watching at Butter Bean Beach #wilddolphinencounter #dolphinsinthewild #georgiabeach @brookeoakes54

Off the shore of Butterbean Beach is a preserved area of tall marsh grass that can only be approached by a small boat, which is perfect for hosting endangered mammals.

Due to it's remote location, there are rarely crowds here, making this hidden gem the perfect getaway for a date night or quiet day to unwind.

Butterbean Beach 

Price: Free

Address: 25 Diamond Causeway, Savannah, GA 31411

Why You Need To Go: You can enjoy your own private slice of paradise away from the crowds and see marine life up close in their natural habitat.


Before you get going, check out our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your adventure.

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