Visit to Bristol Aggie is for the birds

Kristina Fontes
The Taunton Daily Gazette

Good morning, Taunton! Today is Sunday, June 26, 2022. Let's take a look at today's top stories:

Sunday Reads

This week's Sunday Read is for the birds.


Dighton Elementary School students paid a visit to the small animal department at Bristol Aggie recently, where Aggie students introduced their young guests to the rats, mice, bunnies and feathered friends they care for every day.

Mike Gay was there to capture the fun-filled visit.

Dighton Elementary School students, from left, Emma Hebert and Owen Gorman with Dighton Elementary School Assistant Principal Ashley Fullen have lots of fun learning about birds at Bristol Aggie on Friday, June 10, 2022.


Your three-day forecast.

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Check out all these stories and more at TauntonGazette.com. As always, we thank you for reading!