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Roe v. Wade landmark decision: Women's rights activists protest in Corpus Christi as anti-abortion supporters celebrate the Supreme Court's ruling

"It's not about abortion. It's about freedom. Why do I not have the same right to reproductive freedom that a man enjoys every day," said one pro-choice activist.

Local reaction continued to come in Friday following the Supreme Court's landmark decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

The court's 6-3 vote brings an end to abortion as a constitutional right, something that had been in effect for about the last half-century.

Both pro-life and women's rights activists are speaking out.

The Supreme Court's expected move to overturn Roe v. Wade invoked reaction from local residents on both sides of the abortion rights issue.

"There were people singing my country tis of thee. and Star Spangled Banner some hymns like how great thou are we sang some songs together," said pro life supporter Andy Sprinkle.

Sprinkle was among those who gathered outside the Federal Courthouse in Corpus Christi to applaud the Justices' decision.

"We got together and spent some time celebrating," said Sprinkle.

But with celebrations also came protests.

Outside the Nueces County Courthouse, shouting could be heard.

It's where a pro choice demonstration started before making its way to the bayfront. The gathering was organized by 17 year old Clove Withers.

"I was just in tears.  It was so crazy to me that the government could take away our rights like this," said Withers.

Withers was joined by others who held signs that read 'stop the war on women' and 'together we fight for all'.

"I'm afraid we are going to have to keep fighting for our rights because this is the first step in what could be a loss for a lot of rights for women and for gender non conforming people," said Withers.

Wither's father Christian was also on hand to show his support.

"Personally, I'm not in favor of abortion, but I am in favor of women's right to choose, women's right to abortion. That is why I'm here supporting. I don't think the government should be able to dictate those personal private decisions," said Christian Withers.

"When guns are less regulated than the female reproductive anatomy, we are headed in the wrong direction," said La Lisa Hernandez.

Hernandez is a local women's rights activist who was 10 years old when Roe V. Wade became law of the land.

50 years later, she calls Friday's decision heartbreaking and frightening.

"It's not about abortion, it's about freedom.  Why do I not have the same right to reproductive freedom that you, a man enjoys every day," Hernandez said.

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