Protest held in Amherst after Roe v. Wade decision

AMHERST, Mass. (WWLP) – A post-Roe V Wade era. That’s what countless people are trying to come to terms with across the country Friday night and that includes right here at home.

This, as the Supreme Court, Overturns this landmark decision ending the protection of a women’s liberty to have an abortion.

22News was in Amherst as protestors took to the streets and found out what this ruling means to them.

Many people on both sides told 22News they’re still in disbelief. In Amherst the community came together, standing in solidarity saying they will continue to fight for reproductive rights for all.

“When I heard the news it put me into a shock and then I was shaking with rage,” said Shoshona King of Amherst.

In May a leaked Supreme Court draft decision was released and met with opposition, outlining a potential supreme court decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade which would end federal protections for abortion and outlaw the procedure in several states.

On Friday that decision was finalized and set in motion leaving many 22News spoke with in disbelief and ready to take action in their communities.

“It’s like I’ve always said this decision is not going to stop abortions from happening it’s just going to stop safe and effective ones from happening and that is what’s terrifying. And how many uterus-bearing individuals will have to die before it is too late,” said Ariel Mehler of Amherst.

Many gathered with signs saying ‘keep abortion safe and legal, ‘RIP Liberty’, and ‘Abort in the court.’ 22News spoke with State representative Mindy Domb, who was also in attendance.

“Action breeds hope. Action not only makes changes but it also helps us be hopeful that change can happen and so coming together says that as a community we oppose this ruling and we’re going to fight it and we’re going to fight it in every way we can,” said State Representative Mindy Domb.

Domb says that it’s up to people to use their voices and votes to instill change and protect their rights.

“And not only their reproductive futures but who they want to marry who they want to live the right to have Birth control all of it is on the line and we have to fight back,” said Domb.

If you want to learn about local reproductive health resources, click here.